Dreaming of owning a business?
With no capital, start your online language academy.
Not a teacher yourself? We got you covered!
You can book our native language teachers.
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How does it work?
- This does not address the issue. The server is not performing the request and as noted by others, the issue is related to a computer account and an improper remove/add to domain –.
- When you type the domain name, make sure that you type the Domain Name System (DNS) name and not the Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) name. For example, if the DNS name of the target domain is contoso.com, make sure that you enter contoso.com instead of the NetBIOS domain name of 'contoso.'
- I have a domain controller that I've just set up. As far as I can tell everything is working ok, but I don't seem to be able to join my machine to the domain. When I try, I get the following error: I have my DC is running DNS with a forward lookup for my router. In TCP/IP settings.
- Free functions calculator - explore function domain, range, intercepts, extreme points and asymptotes step-by-step This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. By using this website, you agree to our Cookie Policy.
Summary: By using Windows PowerShell splatting, domain users can be added to a local group. This script includes a function to convert a CSV file to a hash table. Hey, Scripting Guy! I need to be able to use Windows PowerShell to add domain users to local user groups.
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Easy. Just decide what courses or tutoring your academy
will offer, then focus on advertising and sales. We will
take care of all back office matters.
Register for free
Your account can be created in few minutes. Brand your academy, upload your logo, promote your branded academy website and strat building your reputation.
Promote your academy
Design your courses (hours, fees, etc..) and start advertising. You can use your social media, free or paid advertising to make sure people know about your service.
Create an online class
Once students your students have paid, you can create a group class, select the appropriate material and book an online tutor with us
We're with you in all of your development stages
When starting a business, you want to minimize fixed expenses. Later, what matters the most is business continuity and growth.
We care when you're small..
Our charges are per transaction. So we earn only when you earn. No annual subscription fees will be charged.
We care when you're big..
Once you reach a sizable scale, your academy will need functions to run your operation seamlessly. These will be available to you under our Enterprise plan for a reasonable annual fee.
Have an academy already?
Expand into online tutoring and generate additional revenue within days!
If you run a conventional face-to-face language center and have been thinking of ways to expand your business, then you’ve come to the right place. BlueDomain platform offers you a complete growth solution, building on your existing business, with almost no capital requirement. It enables you to sell online tutoring courses and provides you with the needed system to manage this operation from the moment you advertise until when your students have completed their final assessments.
Learn MoreWant to see how this applies in your case?
Contact our representative to get a free consultation.
You can start, or grow your existing business for almost no capital!
Joining BlueDomain means
enjoying a set of features that will make you and students satisfied
Try it now!
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