- Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Generator
- Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator
- Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator List
- Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Map
For example, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®, D&D®, PLAYER'S HANDBOOK 2®, and DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE® are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast and D&D® core rules, game mechanics, characters and their distinctive likenesses are the property of the Wizards of the Coast. Roll 4d6 (drop lowest) 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; Point Buy Total = 0.
- At 1st level, you choose various aspects of your character, including ability scores, race, class, and background. Together these elements help paint a picture of your character's origin and give you the ability to create many different types of characters.
- D&D 5e Ability Score Generator 4d6 drop lowest. Description (more info) To get the modifier: - 1. Subtract 10 - 2. Divide by 2 - 3. 5e abilities abilityscores d&d dnd.
Hit Points66 (12d8+12) 66 ([12d8+12])
Speed30 ft.
18 (+4)
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
Languagesany one language (usually Common)
- You can create a dice macro by putting square brackets [] around it. [+4] will make a clickable link to roll d20+4. [2d6+3] will make a clickable link to roll 2d6+3.
- [b]bold[/b] will bold text, [i]italics[/i] will italicize text, --- will add a horizontal line.
- You can link a spell on the Spell list by using: [spell]gust[/spell], or a Monster by using [monster]goblin[/monster].
- [*]Item 1 will create a list, [table]Column 1[td]Column 2[/table] creates a table
- [title]Section 1[/title] or [big]Hello[/big] will create a bolded title that you can link to with [#section 1]link[/#].
Lightfooted. The swashbuckler can take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Suave Defense. While the swashbuckler is wearing light or no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Charisma modifier. [b]Lightfooted.[/b] The swashbuckler can take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
[b]Suave Defense.[/b] While the swashbuckler is wearing light or no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Charisma modifier.
Multiattack. The swashbuckler makes three attacks: one with a dagger and two with its rapier.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage. [b]Multiattack.[/b] The swashbuckler makes three attacks: one with a dagger and two with its rapier.
[b]Dagger.[/b] Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: [+6] to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ([1d4+4]) piercing damage.
[b]Rapier.[/b] Melee Weapon Attack: [+6] to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ([1d8+4]) piercing damage.
Legendary Actions
Save & Load
Monster ListYou need to be logged in to edit monsters
New MonsterYou need premium to use JSON Export.
Monster Statistics by Challenge Rating
CR | Prof. Bonus | AC | HP | Attack Bonus | Damage / Round | Save DC |
0 | +2 | <13 | 1-6 | <+3 | 0-1 | <13 |
1/8 | +2 | 13 | 7-35 | +3 | 2-3 | 13 |
l/4 | +2 | 13 | 36-49 | +3 | 4-5 | 13 |
1/2 | +2 | 13 | 50-70 | +3 | 6-8 | 13 |
1 | +2 | 13 | 71-85 | +3 | 9-14 | 13 |
2 | +2 | 13 | 86-100 | +3 | 15-20 | 13 |
3 | +2 | 13 | 101-115 | +4 | 21-26 | 13 |
4 | +2 | 14 | 116-130 | +5 | 27-32 | 14 |
5 | +3 | 15 | 131-145 | +6 | 33-38 | 15 |
6 | +3 | 15 | 146-160 | +6 | 39-44 | 15 |
7 | +3 | 15 | 161-175 | +6 | 45-50 | 15 |
8 | +3 | 16 | 176-190 | +7 | 51-56 | 16 |
9 | +4 | 16 | 191-205 | +7 | 57-62 | 16 |
10 | +4 | 17 | 206-220 | +7 | 63-68 | 16 |
11 | +4 | 17 | 221-235 | +8 | 69-74 | 17 |
12 | +4 | 17 | 236-250 | +8 | 75-80 | 17 |
13 | +5 | 18 | 251-265 | +8 | 81-86 | 18 |
14 | +5 | 18 | 266-280 | +8 | 87-92 | 18 |
15 | +5 | 18 | 281-295 | +8 | 93-98 | 18 |
16 | +5 | 18 | 296-310 | +9 | 99-104 | 18 |
17 | +6 | 19 | 311-325 | +10 | 105-110 | 19 |
18 | +6 | 19 | 326-340 | +10 | lll-116 | 19 |
19 | +6 | 19 | 341-355 | +10 | 117-122 | 19 |
20 | +6 | 19 | 356-400 | +10 | 123-140 | 19 |
21 | +7 | 19 | 401-445 | +11 | 141-158 | 20 |
22 | +7 | 19 | 446-490 | +11 | 159-176 | 20 |
23 | +7 | 19 | 491-535 | +11 | 177-194 | 20 |
24 | +7 | 19 | 536-580 | +12 | 195-212 | 21 |
25 | +8 | 19 | 581-625 | +12 | 213-230 | 21 |
26 | +8 | 19 | 626-670 | +12 | 231-248 | 21 |
27 | +8 | 19 | 671-715 | +13 | 249-266 | 22 |
28 | +8 | 19 | 716-760 | +13 | 267-284 | 22 |
29 | +9 | 19 | 761-805 | +13 | 285-302 | 22 |
30 | +9 | 19 | 806-850 | +14 | 303-320 | 23 |
Damage Severity by Level
Level | Setback | Dangerous | Deadly |
1-4 | 1d10 | 2d10 | 4d10 |
5-10 | 2d10 | 4d10 | 10d10 |
11-16 | 4d10 | 10d10 | 18d10 |
17-20 | 10d10 | 18d10 | 24d10 |
Shout outs: Stacey, John Nazario, Cory Brooks, RaspySCREAMS, Gary, Gordon Alexander Fallon, Sunscryer, and Max Puplett.
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!
Based on Statblock5e and Open5e
Hit Points
Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Generator
Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator
Legendary Actions Description:
Lair Actions Description:Lair Actions End Note Description:
Regional Effects Description:Regional Effects End Note Description: