These uniform images are from a pamphlet entitled 'How to Recognize the Armed Forces of the United States'. It was published in the French language and was intended to help Europeans readily identify United States servicemen through illustrations of the uniforms they were wearing. Also included were close-ups of insignia worn by the Army, Navy, and Marines. It was produced and distributed in the 1940's by the War Department Office of the United States Government.
The Army Green Service Uniform was inspired and based off the uniform worn by America's 'Greatest Generation' as they won World War II. Now, America's next greatest generation will wear a modern. Grade Insignia: The insignia is worn centered between the shoulder seam and elbow on all uniform coats. When the position of the shoulder sleeve insignia (SSI) does not allow for proper placement of the grade insignia as stated above, the grade insignia is placed 1?2 inch below the SSI, on the left or right side of the coat, as applicable. Overseas Service Bars are worn on the right sleeve of the coat of the Army Service Uniform / Dress Uniform. For enlisted personnel, the first Overseas Service Bar is sewn parallel to and four inches from the bottom of the sleeve, while officers have their first Overseas Service Bar a quarter-inch above the sleeve braid (also parallel to the bottom of the sleeve). Standards for starching and creasing battle dress uniforms; and exempts males from wearing headgear to evening events (chap 1). O Updates responsibilities and administrative information, prohibits seasonal wear dates, and adds requirements for ceremonial units (chap 2). O Updates the battle dress uniform and authorized accessories (chap 3). US Army Ribbons Checker, US Army Rack Builder, US Army ribbons order of precedence chart checker rack builder with star devices; US Army Medal Ribbon Checker to verify and create per US Army ribbons uniform regulations.
Period materials are a good source of information to help understand and view accurate images of the uniforms and clothing worn by U.S. troops during WWII. These types of materials were plentiful during the time. As millions of men and women joined or were drafted into the armed services, all types of publications appeared to help citizens recognize and identify the various uniforms. There were magazine and newspaper articles, numerous small inexpensive books, and official publications, such as this, all to help the citizenry know who was who. These publications can still be easily found today in antique malls, resale shops, and online auctions.
Army Asu Setup Guide Poster
The front and back covers of this pamphlet appear to the left and right respectively.